Nick Churchill RSHom

I am a registered homeopath and Internal Family Systems (IFS) practitioner. I have thirty years experience of helping clients work on their physical and emotional well-being using natural and holistic modalities.

After graduating from the College of Homeopathy, London, in 1995, I completed post-graduate studies in Massimo Mangialavori’s Koine School, as well as with Jeremy Sherr in the Dynamis School. More recently, I became a Level 3 qualified practitioner of IFS therapy, training with the IFS Institute in the USA. I am currently an IFIO couples therapist-in-training.

I am passionate about the need for holistic, client-centred, natural healthcare. We live in a world that increasingly presents mind and body with serious and consequential challenges from our earliest days through the rest of our lives. Conventional medical and psychological approaches have their place, but they are reductive, mechanistic and overly focused on medication or management strategies. They miss out the client, the individual, the unique and precious needs of who we really are inside. When we tune into the mind and body, we find that most solutions are there already; my work is simply to align you with them and bring you into the right relationship with yourself.

Homeopathy and IFS therapy are a wonderful complement to each other and between them offer many tools for an effective natural healthcare strategy for my clients, no matter what physical, mental or emotional issues they are dealing with: I would not want to be without either of them.

If you are interested in working with me, I offer a free no-obligation Zoom meeting (allow 20-30 minutes) – please see my contact details below.